(1)Sprend of Earth science
1.Pablished popular edition
→(GeoCarnival・Osaka Science Museum)(Festival of Natural History・Osaka Natural History Museum)
3.Geoscience Field class
●Mainichi Culture Center
- Mineral Watching(Iga)05/2013
- Mineral Watching(Kizu)11/2012
- Lecture of Aurora(room)09/2012
- GeoBus Toure(Higashiyoshino) 08/2012
- GeoBus Toure(Nagi) 04/2012
- Mineral Watching(Muro)06/2012
- GeoBus Toure(Iga) 12/2012
- 地球にふれる(Kakogawa)11/2011
- GeoBus Toure(Akenobe) 05/2011
- GeoBus Toure(Tanba) 07/2011
- GeoBus Toure(Sekigahara)05/2011
- Mineral Watching(room)03/2011
- GeoBus Toure(Kitabiwako)04/2011
- GeoBus Toure (Kashiba)Disenber,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Ikuno Mine)Novenber,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Musium of Kyoto Univ.・Yawata)August,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Tanba)July,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Taga)May,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Mizunami)April,2010
- GeoBus Toure (Akenobe Main)Disenber2009
- GeoBus Toure (Nyoigadake)Novenber2009
- Rock polishing・Fossil replica (August)2009
- GeoBus Toure(July・August)2009
- GeoBus Toure (March・April)2009
●NHK Culture Center
- Mineral Watching(Ikono)05/2013 (Kobe class)
- Mineral Watching(Kamo)05/2013 (Umeda class)
- Mineral Watching (Yasu)04/2013 (Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watching(Yawata)11/2012 (Kobe class)
- Mineral Watching(Muro)10/2012 (Umeda class)
- Mineral Watching(Kizu)10/2012(Kyoto class)
- Fossil replica(room) 07/2012(Kyoto class)
- Mineral WatchingTakaida05/2012(Kobe class)
- Mineral WatchingKakogawa05/2012(Umeda class)
- Mineral WatchingAkenobe01/2012(Kobe class)
- Mineral WatchingMuro04/2012(Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watching(room)01/2012(Umeda class)
- Mineral Watching(Kakogawa)01/2011(Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watching(Kakogawa)10/2011(Kobe class)
- Mineral Watching(Takaida)10/2011(Umeda class)
- Mineral Watching(charity)(Takaida)08/2011(Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watchingし(Kashiba)05/2011(Umeda class)
- Mineral Watching(Kitabiwako)05/2011(Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watching(Yawata)04/2011(Kyoto class)
- Mineral Watching(Kamo)(Novenber,20,2010)
- Mineral Watching(Inagawa)(October,16,2010)Kobe Class
- Fossil Watching(Nagi)(Sept.25,2010)
- Fossil Watching(Mizunami)(August,28,2010)
- Mineral Watching(Akenobe Mine)(July,24,2010)
- Fossil Watching(Tanba)(Jun,25,2010)
- Mineral Watching(Yawata)(May,2010)
- Mineral Watching(Inagawa)(April,2010)
- Mineral Watching(Kamo)(Novenber,13,2010)Kyoto Class
- Fossil Watching(Feb.,2010)
- Fossil Watching(Yuasa)(Oct.24,2009)
- (2)Fossil Watching in town Augast,25,2009 OCT
- (3)Mineral Watching Nov.3,2009 kamo
- (4)Mineral Watching Disenv.20,2009 Yawata
- (5)Mineral Watching Jun,12,2010 Ikeda
- (6)Mineral Watching Aug.23,2010 Inagawa
- (7)Mineral Watching Nov.14,2010 Kashiba
●Overseas GeoMystery tour
- 6Ruby Watching and AngkorCambodia 2013,3,22―27
- 5Placer mining and Aurora Alaska 2012,8,21―26
- 4Tohoku support and Mineral Watching Iwate pref. 2011,9,17―19
- 3Jewels hunting tourArkansas USA 9-14,Augast,2010
- 2Fossil of Dinosaur footmark and Umiware tour South Korea March,2010
- 1Solar eclipse and gourmet tourHangZhou,China July,2009
●Mainich Culture Center
- Mineral Watching for child(4 times)
- Mineral Watching for adult(4 times)
- Fossil Watching for child(2 times)
●Field class for highschool student(2 times)
- Stone of riverbank
- Uemachi tour
Field class for teacher(2 times)
- Stone and Mineral in Kizu river
- Dig of dinosaur in Tanba
(2)Distribution of Disaster Pamphletsdisaster prevention
1.Making and distribution of tsunami pamphlets for children in Indonesia
The activities to make and to distribute the tsunami pamphlets for children in Indonesia had been started after the occurrence of great earthquake in Sumatera Island followed by tsunami in December 26, 2004.
(The right picture of tsunami pamphlet is created by our office staff Ms. Naoko KAGAWA)
Japanese version of tsunami pamphlets can be downloaded here and here, Indonesian version of tsunami pamphlets can be downloaded here and here
The making of these tsunami pamphlets, especially for gluing the pop-up part had been assisted by many volunteers.
↑Shirasagi Community
(former employees of ANA/All Nippon Airways)
↑Minoo Higashi Senior High School
↑Tatetsu Junior High School
↑Hanazono senior High School
↑Shouinn senior High School
● Map of distribution places for tsunami pamphlets in Indonesia
※We did distribution pamphlets about 15,000 pieces a year(70,000 pieces of totals). We distributed it in the vicinity of the shore of the Sumatra southern part in 2010.
Media Coverage
- Frontier Age
- Asahi Newspaper
- Mainichi Newspape
- Yomiuri Newspape
- NHK Television
- – Mainichi Radio
↑Frontier Age (March,5,2008)
2. Making and distribution of the Japanese version of tsunami pamphlets
The Japanese version of tsunami pamphlets for children had been distributed during Geo-Carnival event in Osaka City Museum of Science (November 3-4, 2007) and Disaster prevention event in Kushimoto of Wakayama Prefecture (November 18, 2007). In elementary school of Wakayama City, the Japanese version of tsunami pamphlets had been used as teaching material by Mr.Ohta Kazuyoshi.
↑In the elementary school of Wakayama City
↑In the disaster prevention event in Kushimoto of Wakayama Prefecture
↑Geo-Carnival event in Osaka City Museum of Science
3.Earthquake pamphlets were also created in 2009 and up to August we had distributed around 3000 pieces.
Below is the earthquake pamphlet. Inside the pamphlet, the black part of right page is moving when covers are moved.
(This earthquake pamphlet is created by our office staff Ms. Naoko KAGAWA)
↑Front cove
↑Inside the pamphlet
↑Back cove
4.Other version of earthquake pamphlets had been created in 2010. We had distributed the new version of pamphlets in October 23-27, 2010 in Indonesia =>(click here for the pictures)
Below is the new version of earthquake pamphlet. Inside the pamphlet, the “Jisinkun” character will awake when the covers are open.
(This earthquake pamphlet is created by our office staff Ms. Naoko KAGAWA)
↑Front cove
↑Inside the pamphlet
↑Back cover
5.We maked a tsunami picture book and a picture-story show in 2012We donated this to an Indonesian national tsunami museum in March=>Details
Follows are tsunami picture books. In the last page, a tsunami performs pop up. In the lower right, we demonstrated a tsunami picture-story show to the director
(Mis.Naoko Kagawa of this office staff makes the lower picture)
↑A tsunami performs pop up
↑Demonstration of the picture-story show
6.Reprint of the tsunami picture book in 2013We present it to Indonesian national tsunami museum in August (240)=>Detail
The tsunami picture book is the above. We present it to the new director. We conclude new relations with an NGO of Aceh
(central photo.) the tsunami picture-story show which we presented was used afterwards last year
↑We present it to the director
↑Display in the hall
↑A ship launched by a tsunami was displayed
(3)Survey of Spring Water in Kansai spring water
1.Publication of spread book
The book on springing water 1-3 introduced with the Mainichinewspaper.(2009.10.7)
The book on springing water 3 is introduced with the Osakanichinichi newspaper. (2009.11.4)
Research of Spring Water in Kinki region
●Organization”Wakimizu survy Kansai”
(Publication of book)
Member:Volunteer grup
●Basic Research
- Making of list
- Confirmation of position
- File making of springing water
●Field Research
- water tenperature and temperture
- water quality(PH、hardness、Fe)
- a reason
- coverage
- photograph
Spring Water in Kinki region(542 points)
About 350 points in 542 pints insert in”Wakimizumeguri 1-3″.
●A Mercy of Spring Water 88
Frontier age magazine and Wakimizu survey Kansai chose 88 places from the places where a historic reason had some place and the management of local people from 542 places.
No.1 is Enmeisui near Nachi fall。No.88 is Kikusuisen near Yourou fall。
We carried out a bus tour over A Mercy of Spring Water.
3.Spring water outdoors lecture
Enforcement of 2010
●Bus tour of A Mercy of Spring Water 88.
- Fushimi(the 9th.)May
- Minamitajima(the 10th)July
Enforcement of 2009
●Bus tour of A Mercy of Spring Water 88.
- Kotou(the 7th.)July
- Yamatokougen(the 8th.)September
Enforcement of 2008
●Mainichi calture center
- Walking around famous clear water(3 times)
●Bus tour of A Mercy of Spring Water 88.
- Kameoka(the 4th.)
- Yoshino(the 5th)
- Sasayama(the 6th.)
●An outdoor lecture for junior high students
- Water of Uemachi terrace and histry of landscape